A webpage where you find tables and Summaries of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Informatics, Constants, Special Characters, Shortcuts and more...
A Table with the Periodic System of the Elements and Physical Constants. Click here to open The Periodic System of Elements in the .pdf format.
A Table with the Periodic System of the Elements and Physical Constants. Click here to open The Periodic System of Elements in the .png format.
Here you find the Amino Acids listed in a Table with their pka values. Below the Amino Acid Codon Table is also included.
Scientific ToolKit (a.k.a scitk.org) is a small and simple web page which provides scientific and other practical summaries and tables. The aim is to provide students, scientists and programmers with small and short but useful informations for their daily use. The contents of Scientific ToolKit aim to be helpful in the daily scientific work. They may find their purpose in chemical, physical, biochemical or biological laboratories. They might be useful for computational chemistry, bioinformatics or mathematics. Or the provided materials by Scientific ToolKit can also simply be just used as a study help. All contents are for free and for share.
The pKa values for the most important acids in chemistrty are listed here in a table. The values are listed by increasing acidity.
The Trigonometric function are listed together with their corresponding function plots. Sinus, Cosinus, Tangens, Cotangens functions are plotted agains the pi values. The functions and graphs are nicely assembled in a ready to print .pdf file.
The ALT Codes for the most used Mathematical Operators are listed here in a table. The ALT Codes of Greek Letters and other useful symbols are also to be found on this link. The ALT Codes are assembled in a ready to print .pdf file.
At the Scientific ToolKit (a.k.a scitk.org) website you can place your own summary of science or any other topic. On your summary you can place your logo, contact information or any other appropriate content. If you want to place your summaries or tables on Scientific ToolKit, you can do so, but first you need to consider some rules.
The Vitamins are listed under this link. The Vitamins are depicted as their chemical formula. The corresponding molecular formula and their molecular mass are also listed.
SI-Units and their Unit of the Dimension listed in a table.
The differences between viruses, bacteria and fungi are summarized in a table. The summary is also compressed into a .pdf file.
Here are various helpful unit conversion tables.
The Vitamin B12 Structure with its chemical formula is found here.
Find here the summary of DNA Replication, Translation and Transcription. The processes are nicely illustrated with pictures.
A tabular summary of Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB). Also available in a ready to print .pdf file.
Find here the chemical structures of various famous oligosaccharides.
Scientific Toolkit © 2022